Sunday 17 June 2007

Caterham to Brighton & Back

Father's days went off with a bang this Sunday when myself, Ian and Roland left Merstham just before 7 am for our annual dash to Brighton and back. Battling with the roadies and giving them a good run for their money. We tagged along with the lead pack for a bit which was fun and very fast! We made good time arriving in Brighton at the finish line at just under 2hrs and 15 minutes had a quick snack then headed back up the old A23 route and arrived back at home just in time for lunch and a surprise box of Father's day goodies from my wonderful daughter, which I managed to consume that afternoon. The weather could have been better but the sun managed to came out a few times at least the wind was in our favour on the way back though that helped.

We had a laugh when we managed to activate the speed cameras as we shot through them at over 40 miles an hour in a 30 limit - Speeding ticket in the post Ha! Ha!
Topped over 180 mile this week, the longest and hardest yet covering over 10,000 feet of climbs. Roll on next week. Gulp!!!!!

Markie is back from the States so we are getting some rides in during the coming week. Decision time. I will report back on this next week.

Have a good week !!! Pictured Ian and Roland Discussing the ride and me looking well I'm not sure!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that photo before or after the Colonels "Light snack"?